Friday, February 1, 2019


I attempted to speed match the GP7's today.

Unfortunately it can't be done. The only CV's that can be programmed are 2 (starting speed), 3 (acceleration) and 4 (deceleration). CV's 5 (top speed) and 6 (mid speed) are non-programmable.

I have seen these locomotives modified with sound decoders, so that may be an option. Unfortunately the only decoders that seem to be compatible are out-of-production MRC's, and I'm not a big MRC fan due to the decoder that now resides in my Hudson. I don't know if their new offerings are any different but they are screwy to program and the sounds aren't anything to write home about. I have heard that putting a different speaker on them works wonders so maybe I'll try that.

Anyway, a rather disappointing day, but any day playing with trains is a good one.

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